SOCKS ON is a campaign to inspire and encourage communities to support agencies that are caring for those with a mental Health condition.
How to Participate
“Hear The Music, memoirs from the sister of The Soloist,” which is how we are able to send socks. It is available on Amazon.
You must be willing and agree to share on social media that you have received the socks from FOA. This should cause a reaction from the community where services are provided to generate more support. We are aware that the amount of socks received will not in most cases be enough to provide everyone a pair, but it is a start that will allow you to continue the campaign to say, “Thank you, to the Friends Of Ayers Foundation, however we need your support so everyone will receive socks."
How to be a part of this campaign:
- Be a qualified nonprofit 501c3 organization
- Fill out form on the Friends Of Ayers Foundation website